celebrate new year
New Year 2020

What is New Year ?

New Year is the time or day at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count increments by one.

New Year is also called as Happy New Year, New Year's Day, New Year, HNY and many more names in their own languages in different countries.

Many people celebrate New Year’s in the company of loved ones, involving traditions meant to bring luck and success in the upcoming year.

Why New Year ?

We celebrate New Year on the beginning of the first day of that year by hang-out with the love one like family, friends, best friend, girlfriend, and try to say bye bye to the previous year.

And welcome to Start a fresh day of next New Year. It is somewhere celebrates in the midnight of the first night. And also in the morning.

Basically we are celebrating the new year for forget the mistakes, unwanted steps of the previous years and welcome the new year happily. During this we all are making commitments for the new year.

Many peoples commits many task like : Awake in early morning, Daily Gym, Weight Loss,and many more commitments.

New Year Over Boundaries ?

We all are celebrating the new year in own country with own way of celebrating. Here we are talking about few countries celebration :

Indian New Year:
indian flag gif, flag gif of india, happy new year kaise mnaye, new year kaise mnate hai
In India, New Year Celebration is celebrated in the mid night of the last and first day of the previous and new year respectively.
This celebration is seen to celebrated in the colleges more as well as in societies. This is celebrated on 1st Jan every year on the basis of the calendars. But on the basis of the Indian calendars it would be on the 1st April.
On this day, Wishing each other New Year with the great blessing for the new year. 
Forget the bad memories of the previous year and welcome the new year with the new goal and attitude.

China New Year :

The Chinese calendar determines the date of Lunar New Year. In 2020, the first day of the Chinese New Year will be on Saturday, 25 January, initiating the Year of the Rat.

The calendar is also used in countries that have been influenced by, or have relations with, China – such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam, though occasionally the date celebrated may differ by one day or even one moon cycle due to using a meridian based on a different capital city in a different time zone or different placements of intercalary months.

The traditional Chinese calendar follows a Metonic cycle, a system used by the modern Jewish Calendar, and returns to the same date in Gregorian calendar roughly.

For the northern regions of China, dumplings are featured prominently in meals celebrating the festival. It often serves as the first meal of the year either at mid-night or as breakfast of the first day.